Wearable Scent Bubble® in sync with you
"Who Knows?
In the next century, clothes shops may replace pharmacies.
If these (smart) fabrics really happen, then this is the biggest breaththrough in centuries"
Colin McDowell
British Fashion Writer 1994
"Science is about studying nature and describing what already exisits.
Engineering is about taking what we know and making new things"
Eric Drexler
Molucular Nanotechnology
Nanotopia, Horizons BBC 1995
"Fashion is the recognition that nature has endowed us with one skin too few, that a fully sentient being should wear its nervous system externally"
Artforum 1994
"The Best way to predict the future - is to invent it"
Alan Kay
Computer Scientist
Xerox Parc 1971
"Personally, it is interesting to find out that innovations in drug delivery systems can impact on industries as distant as textiles"
Dr Richard Mannion
Ciba Pharmaceuticals, 1995
"Fashion will change dramatically in the coming years. One will find it less and less important to be 'fashionable'.
Good clothes - well designed and well made for the purpose of protecting the body and enhancing the personality - will prevail.
Fashion will be more human, closer to the needs of the people in terms of their being and well being, not "well showing"
Thierry Mugler
Fashion Designer 1982
"Will fabrics eventually become computerised? Everything will be, us included.
People are becoming programmed - it is dangerous, but it is the future".
Karl Largefeld
Fashion Designer1982
"Fashion is the end result of what is happening in the world. We could be living in glass domes and machines will be creating our atmosphere. We may not be eating meat anymore, so we wont produce cattle for food or for fabric. Technology will produce new fibres that will protect us from what is happening outside.
The creative minds will use the technology and make new fabrics look good on people. There will be a time when we will have to live through computers and chemistry and even though it seems strange and impersonal now, when it happens, when we are living it minute to minute - we wont resent it"
Donna Karen
Fashion Designer 1982
"One day whole telecommunication systems will be built into the fibres of our clothing:
Goodbye office, goodbye laptop.
Hello, global network jacket"
Nilgin Yusef
British Fashion Writer
The Sunday Times 1996
"Deep changes in fashion will come with new developments in fabric technology. The body is the most important thing of the future and was not designed for life outer space, not yet anyway. It may take another two or three thousand years for the body to evolve.
Designers are like musicians. The materials are our notes. We have to play with them and each one of us has to make his own music"
Karl Largerfeld
Fashion Designer 1982
"We breathe all the time so therefore we must smell all the time."
Dr George Dodd
Aroma Scientist & Biochemist 1995
"The scent organ was playing a delightfully refreshing Herbal Capriccio - ripping arpeggios of thyme and lavender, of rosemary, basil, myrtle, tarragon: a series of daring modulations through the spice keys into ambergris; and a slow return through sandalwood, camphor, cedar and new - mown hay back to the simple aromatics with which the piece began. . . ."
Aldous Huxley
Brave New World 1932
"If odours may worke satisfaction, they are soveraigne in plantes and so comfortable that no confection of the apothecaries can equall their excellent vertue"
John Gerarde
Botanist 1564-1637