Enhancing well-being at the intersections of neuroscience, technology and perfumery
Scent Bubble
Awards, Incubators, Accelerators
A film about eScent -connecting people to nature by engineering sensory moments through context.
3 granted and 3 pending patents
Latest updates: presentations, press, awards, videos, patents, etc
Advisory Board: Allergies - Complementary Health - Psychiatry - IoT - Wearables - Psychology - Biodesign - Chemosensory
UKRI Mental Health & Wellbeing report (eScent case study)
Re-inventing the fragrance experience with a magical and fully immersive "Scent Bubble"
Evidence base for the use of essential oils (Lavender and Neroli) in relation to inhalation to combat stress/anxiety
Wearable nebuliser: liquid delivery system for anti-stress protection (inhale + exhale)
Animation to describe the AI process behind the patented eScent innovation
Project with Health Innovation East funded by an NIHR i4i FAST grant
InnovateUK "Sustainable Innovation Fund" Award - mask film
Links to various films
"Scent Bubble" pending patent WO/2019/025763
Dr Jenny Tillotson FRSA AMRSB
Utilising the powerful sense of smell as an enabler for mood enhancement.
Tweaking Reality with a Scent Bubble® - inspired by Philip.K.Dick sci-fi novel
The limitations of a perfume bottle versus. "Connected Fragrances"
Space, "Protective" bubbles and the eScent analogy
Patented wearable scent tech solution
Scent Bubble® inspiration - heritage in Print, Packaging, Sustainability, "Bubbles", Lifestyle and Wellness
Journal publications, chapters and conference papers
The Wellness Collection - A Science Fashion Story (1997)
Science Fashion: How scent technology can help mental health....
Fashion/Textile project in collaboration with Adeline Andre - lay the foundation for eScent
Academic research from Central Saint Martins (UAL), Phd (RCA), etc
A multisensory fashion project that kickstarted Dr Tillotson's passion to work with scent (FCP CSM 1991)