Enhancing well-being at the intersections of neuroscience, technology and perfumery
Work Cited in Books:
The Biopolitics of Emerging Technologies
Material Futures / 01’, p 53-55, trend publication by the Textile Futures Research Centre, UAL
Very Vintage: the Guide to Vintage Patterns & Clothing’ Iain Bromley, Dorota Wojciechowska and Raven Smith (Black Dog Pub)
Fashioning The Future: Tomorrows Wardrobe’ by Susanne Lee, p 168 pub by Thames & Hudson, 2005
The Future That Never Was’ by Kenneth Ramaekers, p 21-23, published by Modemuseum Hasselt, 2011
‘X-treme Fashion’ by Courtenay Smith and Sean Topham, p 156-157, pub by Prestel Germany
‘Mobile Interaction Design’ by Matt Jones and Gary Marsden, p 24-26, pub by John Wiley & Sons
A consumer’s guide to MEMS & Nanotechnology’, Marian Bourne, p 186, pub Bourne Research